
Skilled Migrant Visa

The Highly Skilled Migrant Program allows Dutch companies to employ a highly educated foreign national through a fast and relatively simple application procedure. The employer must be approved by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) as a recognized sponsor and a specific income requirement must be met.

An advantage of the skilled migrant program is that the employer does not need to apply for a separate work permit (TWV).


Skilled migrant program

The Highly Skilled Migrant Program allows Dutch companies to employ a highly educated foreign national through a fast and relatively simple application procedure.

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Recognized Sponsor

An organization is required to get recognition as a sponsor if they wish to apply for a residence permit for highly skilled migrants, scientific researchers, students and participants in exchange or au pair programs.

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Job Search

Foreign nationals who have graduated from a Dutch university or who have completed a Master’s program, PhD program or postgraduate programs at one of the Top 2000 foreign universities can apply for a residence permit for a search year within 3 years after completing their studies.

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    Visa Consultation Request Form